Changing Management Agents

Posted: 15/05/2021
key inserted on wooden door

Changing management responsibility mid tenancy is something that happens for a variety reasons. Landlords may have been dealing with the management of the property themselves and have found the time required does not fit in with their other commitments, the Landlord may have become unhappy with the service of their current Agent or the current Agent is no longer trading.


Whatever the reason taking over management mid tenancy involves quite a bit of work. An experienced Agent will be able to handle the process with minimum disruption to the Tenant. There are many things to be considered such as making sure the Tenants are informed, arranging new payment details, checking the status of the deposit registration, arranging an inspection of the property, checking all certificates are up to date and ensuring the tenancy agreement has been completed correctly are a few that spring to mind.


Where a Landlord is looking at leaving their current Agent they will need to check the terms and conditions that were agreed to as most Agents will have a cancellation policy built into their agency agreement. This can be a set amount of notice required or a financial settlement to end the agreement. Even if the tenancy agreement has ended, the Agents agreement will still apply and will not end until the Tenant vacates.


If you are considering changing Agent or looking at renting your property out. Contact Shortland Horne to arrange a free consultation. Call 024 76222123 or email for more information.


Written by Craig Arnold